Heart Healthy Exercises You Can Do at Home

During the past few months, the closure of non-essential storefronts due to COVID-19 forced many gyms to close for an extended period of time, making it difficult for many people to get their daily exercise. Most gyms still remain closed and it is important to know how to stay active when going to the gym is not an option. Below are a few exercises you can do at home that may help to improve the health of your heart.


Walking has tremendous positive effects on your heart health, and thankfully you do not need to go to a gym to do it! Simply going for a walk around the block for 30 minutes a day may have a tremendous positive impact on the health of your heart.


Activities around the house, such as gardening, can be a great way to raise your heart rate and get your body moving. Another fun aerobic exercise you can try at home is dancing!Dancing is a great way to get your blood flowing and boost your mood. Try either of these aerobic exercises at home for about 30 minutes a day to help improve the health of your heart.

Strength Training

Strength training is also a great way to improve your heart health. Some examples of strength training, also known as resistance training, include doing squats, sit-ups, push-ups, and lifting free weights. The American Heart Association suggests doing strength training at least twice per week, but not on consecutive days.

Dr. Barbara Edwards, Princeton internist practices at Penn Medicine Princeton Health in the Penn Medicine Princeton Medical Center and also serves as Medical Director of the Bristol-Myers Squibb Community Health Center.