Five Ways To Eat Right During The Holidays

When it comes to the holidays, many people who are trying to eat healthy may find it hard to do so with all the sugar packed into our favorite holiday recipes. Though it may be challenging, it is possible so keep reading for a few tips to make sure you stay on top of your healthy habits.

Moderate Portions

There’s nothing wrong with indulging in a delicious holiday meal every so often, though the key is not to over indulge for every meal. Keep portion sizes in mind so you can still enjoy your favorite food without feeling uncomfortably full. When holiday dinners are full of foods that are unhealthy, strive for balance in your other meals by incorporating nutrient and protein rich meals, and don’t forget how important fiber and probiotics are. The holidays may make you feel like you have an excuse to skip your regular exercise, but this routine will help you stay on track during the holidays and into the new year.

Eat Slowly

This tip isn’t just for the holidays, but year round. When you are starving it’s easy to eat fast, but this leads to overeating. By being conscious of taking slower bites you will find yourself becoming full faster! Chewing food slowly enables you to enjoy what you’re eating for a longer period of time.

Avoid Alcohol

While attending a holiday party try to limit your alcohol intake. Choosing a seltzer, water or low calorie juice can be a good substitution for calorie-dense alcohol. If you decide to drink alcohol, consider making every other drink a healthier choice that’s alcohol-free to avoid over indulging.


Take advantage of your time spent seeing distant family members. The busier you are talking to people can help to keep you away from the finger food that’s easy to subconsciously snack on. Many over eat when they are anxious, so try sticking near those family members who bring you comfort and find a spot away from the unhealthy appetizers.

Don’t Go Out on an Empty Stomach

If you were to eat something light before heading out for festivities you will not be as tempted to binge eat the food that is there. Be in control and mindful of your choices when it comes to holiday eating, eat when you’re hungry not just because the food is there.


Remember this is the most wonderful time of year. Struggling with staying healthy is normal during this season so don’t be so strict with your limits, just be overall conscious and you will have a healthy holiday season!

Dr. Barbara R. Edwards, Princeton Internist, practices at Penn Medicine Princeton Health in the Penn Medicine Princeton Medical Center. She is also the Academic Director for the Ambulatory Residency Program at Penn Medicine Princeton Health.