Healthy Game Day Snacks

Getting together with friends for a Sunday of pro football is a favorite day among sports fans. If you want to bring some different snacks for the upcoming get together, read on for some healthier options you may want to try out! 

Bunless Burger Bites 

Delish has a great recipe for a snack that is a burger without the bun! When you go to make the patties just break the meat off into bite-sized pieces and then cook them on a stove top in oil. Cooking these bites should take about eight minutes, and then melt a sprinkle of cheese on them. When it comes to serving, place all desired toppings on a burger, so lettuce, onion, pickle, tomato on a skewer for everyone to grab! 

Bang Bang Cauliflower 

This recipe takes a favorite appetizer, Bang Bang shrimp, and makes it vegetarian friendly. Bang Bang Cauliflower has the beloved sauce and is easy to make and can be done quickly if you are in a time crunch. You can make these your own if you want them crispy, make sure to put them back in the oven after tossing them in sauce, or leave them be if you want! 

Shrimp Cucumber Rounds

If you are someone who likes to keep things light and refreshing, you may want to try this appetizer. These shrimp cucumber rounds have a hint of Greek in them so this is perfect if you like tzatziki sauce! Make the shrimp however you desire and wrap it in turkey bacon, which is perfect for those who are lovers of bacon. The homemade tzatziki sauce paired with the piece of cucumber and shrimp will have you coming back for just one more! 

Dr. Barbara R. Edwards, Princeton Internist, practices at Penn Medicine Princeton Health in the Penn Medicine Princeton Medical Center. She is also the Academic Director for the Ambulatory Residency Program at Penn Medicine Princeton Health.

Fruits That Strengthen Your Immune System

The immune system is one of the most important features of the human body. Without it, our bodies would be vulnerable to disease and ailments. The immune system can be strengthened even more through daily supplements and certain foods and drinks. Fruits are very nutritious and are often used as an immune booster to help overcome illness. Here are a few fruits that strengthen the immune system:


Oranges are one of the most common fruits to aid in strengthening the body’s immunity. This fruit is packed with Vitamin C, containing over 100% of the daily amount needed. On top of that, its supply of vitamins prevent cell damage, encourages collagen production, and lowers cortisol, a stress hormone. Oranges are super versatile and can come in the form of cut fruit, juices, and other kinds of foods.


The saying, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” is totally true! Apples are filled with natural sugars and fiber. What’s surprising is that the nutrition doesn’t come from the inner apple itself. The most nutrition comes from the skin, which contains a plant pigment flavonoid called quercetin. Quercetin not only boosts the immune system, but also reduces inflammation. 


Despite being one of the smaller fruits, a handful of blueberries are just as helpful. These tiny fruitlets contain antihistamines, aiding in reducing inflammation and minimizing various sickness symptoms like a runny nose. Also, they are packed full of antioxidants which boost one’s general health.

Dr. Barbara R. Edwards, Princeton Internist, practices at Penn Medicine Princeton Health in the Penn Medicine Princeton Medical Center. She is also the Academic Director for the Ambulatory Residency Program at Penn Medicine Princeton Health.

Healthy Foods High in Protein

Protein is one of the most important elements in a balanced diet. Protein helps with many functions behind the scenes such as cell support and structure, immune system support, and other hormonal activities. The amount of protein someone should consume daily varies based on factors like age, body size, and overall activity. Here are some everyday healthy foods that are excellent sources of protein:

Lean Beef

With the obvious benefit of having high amounts of protein, lean beef also contains other helpful components like zinc, selenium, vitamins B6 and B12, and iron. It’s best to eat plant-based foods like fish and poultry as opposed to red meat, which one should regulate intake for. However, when choosing to consume red meat, lean beef is the healthier option.

Chicken Breast

One of the most versatile foods, chicken breast, is an amazing source of protein to include in your weekly meal planning. It can be cooked with a wide variety of methods, and it pairs well with many flavors. Aside from being rich in protein, chicken breast is plentiful in B vitamins and minerals. Try chicken breast prepared with Mediterranean flavors, in a salad, or in a stir fry for a healthy, filling meal.


Eggs, yolk and whites, are some of the most protein and nutrition filled foods out there. They are filled with vitamins, antioxidants, healthy fats, and minerals. Despite common misconceptions, whole egg yolks are healthy and studies even suggest they can prevent certain chronic conditions and diseases. 

Dr. Barbara R. Edwards, Princeton Internist, practices at Penn Medicine Princeton Health in the Penn Medicine Princeton Medical Center. She is also the Academic Director for the Ambulatory Residency Program at Penn Medicine Princeton Health.

Penn Medicine Princeton Medical Center – Bristol-Myers Squibb Community Health Center Accept $10,000 Donation

As an Internist at Penn Medicine Princeton Health Physicians at the Penn Medicine Princeton Medical Center, I’m fortunate to also be the Medical Director of the Bristol-Myers Squibb Community Health Center. Recently, we accepted a generous donation from the Provident Bank Foundation to support our Diabetes Program at the Health Center.

A Bit About Bristol-Myers Squibb Community Health Center

For those who are uninsured or underinsured, getting sick is more than just a quick trip to the doctor’s office. These individuals can end up with medical bills they may be unable to pay, and as doctors, we want to provide quality care regardless of insurance status. The mission of the Bristol-Myers Squibb Community Health Center is to provide comprehensive healthcare to those uninsured or underinsured in the communities of Mercer and Middlesex Counties. We also put a focus on providing mental health services for patients whose physical illnesses can be worsened by mental health issues.

Diabetes Program

The Diabetes Program at our health center empowers diabetic individuals in our community to maintain control of their disease through education, diet and exercise. Diabetes is a serious medical condition for millions throughout the country which causes blood sugar to spike, and must be closely monitored. In our program alone, there are over 500 patients enrolled with that number expected to rise.

We are incredibly grateful to the Provident Bank Foundation, who has granted more than $22 million over the years to nonprofits and institutions who work to build more resilient communities.

Dr. Barbara Edwards, Princeton doctor internal medicine practices at Penn Medicine Princeton Health in the Penn Medicine Princeton Medical Center.